




Potente PCT. El mejor suplemento AI del mercado. Inhibe el estrógeno, incrementa la testosterona e inhibe el cortisol.

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52,95 €


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Radical Transformation Agent

Precio recomendado: 43,95 €

Marca: Hydrapharm


Why. Alchemy was carefully engineered to fulfill a single purpose: To inhibit aromatase as strongly as possible, so that estrogen levels decline dramatically and rapidly while supporting a reduction in cortisol and a rise in testosterone. The endocrine shift Alchemy elicits will not only help to prevent the estrogenic side-effects of androgens, it'll eliminate water-retention, increase free testosterone, and improve your performance at the gym.

When. Alchemy is an extremely potent aromatase inhibitor, the strongest non-hormonal supplement class there is. As such, it should be used in cycles of 4-8 weeks with 4 weeks off before commencing use again.

Who. Alchemy is very versatile delivering muscle and performance gains alongside fat loss. It is ideal for men seeking to optimise their endocrine profile by boosting natural testosterone and simultaneously reducing estrogen.

- The Strongest AI ever released.

- Stronger inhibition of estrogen than formestane, arimistane and aminogluthemide.

- Increases muscle density and strength.

- Burns fat and lowers water retention.

- Increases natural testosterone and lowers cortisol.

- Improved libido and mood.

- Reduces inflammation in adipose tissue leading to fat loss.

- Potent glucose disposal properties leads to enhanced glycogen storage in muscles and loss of body fat.

- Direct activation of SIRT1 increases muscle insulin sensitivity.

- Radical Transformation Agent.

Natural Potent AI. 

Hydrapharm have waited a long time to release a new supplement. As a company devoted to introducing only the very best, state of the art supplements on the market it has taken a long time to produce a follow up to the phenomenally successful Adamantine, a muscle builder with incredible recovery enhancing properties, that has become one of the best selling supplements ever.

With Alchemy, Hydrapharm have once again produced a product with no peers. Quite simply, they have introduced something to the market with ingredients that have never been seen before in sports nutrition but which has huge promise based on extensive scientific research. Here is what they have to say on Alchemy.

Alchemy contains Flavozole -- a flavan derivative which is structurally similar to epicatechin, naringenin, and related compounds. Flavans such as Flavozole are ubiquitous throughout nature and are commonly found in tea and chocolate.

But Flavozole is unique. It is, simply put, the most potent AI that the supplement world has ever seen. Studies have demonstrated tremendous inhibitory potency (IC50 = 41nm) at human placental aromatase [1], which is a staggering 127x (!) more potent than aminogluthemide (brand name Cytadren) and is also significantly more potent than that old standby, formestane. In effect, we've rendered every other AI obsolete.

Alchemy also contains Dehydroabietic Acid, a potent natural AI isolated from the resin of commiphora myrrha. Although nearly 10x less potent than Flavozole, there were many very good reasons for its inclusion:

It reduces inflammation in adipose tissue [2] and in macrophages [3] and may therefore assist with both weight loss and with the joint pain associated with low estrogen levels. Add in the fact it reduces cortisol and you have a great ingredient for body composition as well as boosting testosterone.[8]

A reduction in adipose tissue inflammation should reduce aromatase gene espression. [4]

It should possess a different pharmacokinetic profile and a different rate of cellular distribution and uptake when compared to Flavozole. The combination of the two agents should therefore help ensure that estrogen levels decline quickly and remain low.

It's a potent glucose-disposal agent [2], which should help shuttle glucose into muscle cells. It directly activates SIRT1 [5], which has anti-aging effects, and increases insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle.

Naringenin is a mild aromatase inhibitor. Its inclusion in Alchemy is due to the fact that it has recently been identified as a ligand for human sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG). [6,7]

Naringenin is the only small natural molecule which binds to SHBG with high affinity & is capable of displacing natural steroids at physiological concentrations. Therefore, when it binds to SHBG, it displaces testosterone and estradiol, resulting in high free concentrations of those hormones. With the aforementioned two ingredients having driven estradiol levels into the ground, naringenin serves primarily to boost levels of free, bioavailable testosterone.

Alchemy - The Ultimate Supplement for all Goals?

To sum up, Alchemy is a natural supplement which creates the optimal hormonal environment for increasing muscle mass, strength, while also lowering bodyfat especially abdominal bodyfat. As a supplement it is extremely versatile making it excellent either as a standalone supplement or within a stack with a natural anabolic such as Adamantine or Myogenesis. Lastly, it is just about the most perfect supplement if you could pick only one PCT supplement.

    Pouget C, Fagnere C, Basly JP, Habrioux G, Chulia AJ. Design, synthesis and evaluation of 4-imidazolylflavans as new leads for aromatase inhibition. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2002;12(20):2859-61.

    Kang MS, Hirai S, Goto T, et al. Dehydroabietic acid, a diterpene, improves diabetes and hyperlipidemia in obese diabetic KK-Ay mice. Biofactors. 2009;35(5):442-8.

    Kang MS, Hirai S, Goto T, et al. Dehydroabietic acid, a phytochemical, acts as ligand for PPARs in macrophages and adipocytes to regulate inflammation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008;369(2):333-8.

    Polari L, Yatkin E, Martínez chacón MG, et al. Weight gain and inflammation regulate aromatase expression in male adipose tissue, as evidenced by reporter gene activity. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2015;412:123-30.

    Kim J, Kang YG, Lee JY, et al. The natural phytochemical dehydroabietic acid is an anti-aging reagent that mediates the direct activation of SIRT1. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2015;412:216-25.

    Déchaud H, Ravard C, Claustrat F, De la perrière AB, Pugeat M. Xenoestrogen interaction with human sex hormone-binding globulin (hSHBG). Steroids. 1999;64(5):328-34.

    Hodgert Jury H, Zacharewski TR, Hammond GL. Interactions between human plasma sex hormone-binding globulin and xenobiotic ligands. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2000;75(2-3):167-76.

    Teles M, Maria VL, Pacheco M, Santos MA 2004: Anguilla anguilla L. plasma cortisol, lactate and glucose responses to abietic acid, dehydroabietic acid and retene.

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Información nutricional:

Hydrapharm Alchemy 60 capsulas

Tamaño del servicio: 1 cápsula

Servicios por envase: 60

Cantidad por servicio:

7-hidroxi-4-imidazolil-flavano: 7 mg

Ácido deshidroabiatico: 40 mg

Naringenin: 40 mg


7-hidroxi-4-imidazolil-flavano, ácido deshidroabiatico, naringenin.

Otros ingredientes: gelatina, harina de arroz, estearato de magnesio.

Modo de empleo:

Como suplemento dietético para adultos sanos, tomar de 1 a 2 cápsulas al día.

Tomar junto con alguna comida, preferiblemente en el almuerzo y en la cena.

No superar la dosis diaria recomendada.


No debe ser utilizado por personas menores de 18 años. Este producto está diseñado para ser utilizado por adultos sanos normales y no debe ser utilizado por cualquier persona con condiciones médicas conocidas. No utilizar en caso de embarazo o lactancia. Consulte con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier dieta o programa de ejercicios. No exceda la dosis recomendada. Consulte con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier dieta o plan de ejercicios. No exceda la dosis recomendada. El uso incorrecto de este producto no mejorará los resultados y no es aconsejable. Utilice únicamente según las indicaciones. No utilizar si el envase ha sido manipulado. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños, guardar en un lugar fresco, seco y evitar el calor excesivo. 


Envase de 60 cápsulas.


Los productos aquí mostrados son suplementos nutricionales según lo establece la Directiva Europea 2002/46/CE sobre complementos alimenticios y todos ellos pueden ser vendidos legalmente en todos los países de la Comunidad Europea, por los artículos 28, 29 y 30 del tratado de la Comunidad Europea y por los artículos 1 a 4 de la Decisión del Parlamento Europeo número 3052/95/CE. Los suplementos alimenticios no tratan de sustituir una dieta equilibrada y variada, únicamente se presentan con el fin de complementar la ingesta de nutrientes de una dieta normal. Tampoco tratan, previenen, diagnostican o curan ninguna enfermedad, hechos atribuibles a los medicamentos, según define la Directiva Europea 2004/27/CE, de 31 de marzo, del Consejo y del Parlamento Europeo sobre medicamentos. Se reserva el derecho de enviar productos a países donde el país de destino no permita. Los productos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta o medicación y deben estar fuera del alcance de los niños. El consumo de los productos debe ser controlado por un profesional, ante cualquier duda, siempre consulte a su médico.

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