




Poderoso pre-entreno solo recomendado para atletas experimentados. Energía, bombeo muscular y gran concentración mental.

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Pre-Workout Energy Complex 


Sometimes you must remind the World why you are so awesome.

And that is exactly why we made Ferox EU.  A product so jam packed with awesomeness that the EU fears it more than Brexit.  Compliant enough to pass through EU borders with reckless abandonment, leaving a trail of mass destruction in every gym it’s greatness occupies, Ferox EU will blow your mind, and soul, away.  Powered by Dynamine™, its awesomeness will last for hours.  Sorry, not our problem if you don’t want to be awesome.

The Tri-Fecta of Ferox EU

Two is company, three is a crowd… said no-one that has used Ferox EU.  The Duo of Dynamine™ and N-Methyl Tyramine make Ferox EU so potent.  How potent?  Potent enough that you can get your girlfriend pregnant just by winking at her.  Be careful.  Only start with one scoop.  For the sake of humanity, and population control.


A purine alkaloid found in the kucha tea leaf, Dynamine™ works like theacrine.  However, unlike theacrine, Dynamine™ starts to work almost immediately, and last for up to 3 hours.  It activates Dopamine receptors, you know, the ones that make you feel happy, energized, improve mood, increase sensations of pleasure, increase motivation, and give you greater mental focus and clarity.  Just saying.

Can Ferox EU be stacked with anything else?

Yes!  Ferox EU goes great with any fat burner!  Just use Ferox EU in place of one of your daily fat burner doses.

For increased workout performance, Ferox stacks well with Mercury.

For increased thermogenesis, Ferox stacks well with Cannibal Claw, Cannibal Carnage, Red Sky, Inferno, and Predator.


- Powerful pre-workout

- Clinical dose of beta alanine

- Added nootropic ingredients

- Energy, pump and focus in one

Cannibal Ferox is an intense pre-workout made by Chaos & Pain containing 11 ingredients that will promote optimal mental and physical performance in the gym. You can expect an increase in focus and determination due to to its stimulant content from the dynamine, caffeine anhydrous and green tea extract, and an improvement in muscle pumps and contractions due to the citrulline and better fatigue resistance thanks to the inclusion of the lactate buffering agent, beta alanine content. Cannibal Ferox has all the ingredients you need for a great workout!

Pre-workouts are usually taken around 15-30 minutes prior to working out giving the body time to utilise the ingredients present within the product. We always recommend supplementing with pre-workouts during the heavy workout days where it involves compound lifts such as bench press, deadlifts or squats because constant use of pre-workouts leads to tolerance and thus become less effective.

Cannibal Ferox is a strong pre-workout that we recommend for only experienced users. Beginners may experience unwanted side effects such as crashes and a lack of sleep.

The EU Fears the Return of the Ferox more than Brexit Itself

The world of pre-workouts has seen the coming of a new generation of intense, high energy pre-workouts since the halcyon days when Cannibal Ferox left users quaking after a tough session. To go up against the likes of Hydrazine and Rize, Chaos and Pain would have to deliver an awful lot and while it doesn't quite match those two this is nonetheless a very effective preworkout although its stablemate, Cannibal Ferox Apocalypse, is definitely the stronger product. However, as stated this is a lot better than most preworkouts.

Ferox is jam-packed with 11 ingredients carefully selected to take your workouts to the next level and bring hope for hardcore pre-workout users everywhere. Packed with Dynamine, higenamine and n-methyl tyramine, Cannibal Ferox will provide a rapid burst of energy that you require to take your workouts to the next level and set a new bar of optimal performance. For mental stimulation, Cannibal Ferox uses 2 forms of caffeine to provide an almost instant increase in focus, concentration and cognitive function keeping you motivated to hit the gym and get the workout over and done with!

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Información nutricional:

Modo de empleo: 

As a dietary supplement, take one (1) scoop with 200-300ml of water 15-20 minutes prior to your workout. Due to extreme potency one may wish to access tolerance by taking half a scoop before moving to a full scoop. Do not exceed more than one scoop in 24 hours.


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Los productos aquí mostrados son suplementos nutricionales según lo establece la Directiva Europea 2002/46/CE sobre complementos alimenticios y todos ellos pueden ser vendidos legalmente en todos los países de la Comunidad Europea, por los artículos 28, 29 y 30 del tratado de la Comunidad Europea y por los artículos 1 a 4 de la Decisión del Parlamento Europeo número 3052/95/CE. Los suplementos alimenticios no tratan de sustituir una dieta equilibrada y variada, únicamente se presentan con el fin de complementar la ingesta de nutrientes de una dieta normal. Tampoco tratan, previenen, diagnostican o curan ninguna enfermedad, hechos atribuibles a los medicamentos, según define la Directiva Europea 2004/27/CE, de 31 de marzo, del Consejo y del Parlamento Europeo sobre medicamentos. Se reserva el derecho de enviar productos a países donde el país de destino no permita. Los productos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta o medicación y deben estar fuera del alcance de los niños. El consumo de los productos debe ser controlado por un profesional, ante cualquier duda, siempre consulte a su médico.

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