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Maximum Blood Flow

Precio recomendado: 43,60 €

Marca: Centurion Labz


Maximum Blood Flow

Augment blood flow and nitric oxide

Improve mind to muscle connection

Increase muscle cell hydration

Increase vascularity

Amplify muscle pumps and fullness

This formula is completely stacked – the most powerful blood flow ingredients at the best possible doses. Just try and find a more loaded pump agent on the market!

Blood Rush can be used before workouts at ANY time of day, due to being free from stimulants that might keep you up at night. Wanting to maximise an evening training session after a long day at work? Centurion have got you! For those with longer or more intense training sessions, try to drink half pre workout and half intra workout to keep your pump going longer!

Blood Rush is for anyone who LOVES the pump! When training chest, arms or shoulders, there's nothing better than looking in the mirror and seeing crazy fullness and veins. And this is exactly what Blood Rush was formulated to do. For use by healthy adults only, not recommended for persons under the age of 18. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.

Blood Rush, a stim free pre workout, is formulated to force nutrients to the muscles, allowing you to train the muscle group better, and aid in building the body you desire. No only does Blood Rush provide a big pump, but you'll get maximum vascularity too.

Blood Rush ingredients:

There are a number of ingredients in Blood Rush that work synergisticaly to deliver the best pumps you've ever experienced!

A high dose of Norvaline and L-Arginine work to maximise blood flow. Centurion have even added Citrulline Malate which will further convert to arginine.

Glycerol aids in keeping the muscle hydrated. As some of us may have experienced, it is almost impossible to get a good pump if dehydrated as nutrients cannot efficiently be delivered to the muscles.

Beet Root Extract is well studied for boosting nitric oxide, and thereby blood flow. This not only helps pumps, but performance too!

You'll even get a nootropic effect from Huperzine. This aids in cognitive performance so that along with feeling the pump, the mind to muscle connection will be insane. All things that can help motivation and effort put into the session. Feel good, perform good!

Información nutricional:

Por dosis 15,7 gramos (1 cucharada colmada): 

Cloruro (de Cloruro de Sodio y Potasio) 106.12mg 5%

Sodio (como cloruro de sodio) 48,75 mg 2 %

Potasio (como cloruro de potasio) 33,8 mg 1 %

- L-Citrulina Malato 2:1: 4.000 mg**

- Monoestearato de Glicerol: 3.000 mg**

- L-Arginina AKG: 3.000 mg**

- L-Tirosina: 1.000 mg**

- Sulfato de Agmatina: 1.000 mg**

- Extracto de Raíz de Remolacha: 500 mg**

- Norvalina: 300 mg**

- Huperzina A: 100 mcg **

*Valores diarios basados en una dieta de 2000 calorías

**Sin Valor Diario Establecido


Otros ingredientes: sabores naturales y artificiales, maltodextrina, sucralosa, ácido cítrico, acesulfamo de potasio, dióxido de silicio.

Modo de empleo:

Como suplemento dietético para adultos sanos, mezclar una dosis de 15,7 gramos (1 cucharada) con 250 ml de agua y tomar unos 15 o 20 minutos antes del entrenamiento. 


Envase de 392 gramos.


Los productos aquí mostrados son suplementos nutricionales según lo establece la Directiva Europea 2002/46/CE sobre complementos alimenticios y todos ellos pueden ser vendidos legalmente en todos los países de la Comunidad Europea, por los artículos 28, 29 y 30 del tratado de la Comunidad Europea y por los artículos 1 a 4 de la Decisión del Parlamento Europeo número 3052/95/CE. Los suplementos alimenticios no tratan de sustituir una dieta equilibrada y variada, únicamente se presentan con el fin de complementar la ingesta de nutrientes de una dieta normal. Tampoco tratan, previenen, diagnostican o curan ninguna enfermedad, hechos atribuibles a los medicamentos, según define la Directiva Europea 2004/27/CE, de 31 de marzo, del Consejo y del Parlamento Europeo sobre medicamentos. Se reserva el derecho de enviar productos a países donde el país de destino no permita. Los productos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta o medicación y deben estar fuera del alcance de los niños. El consumo de los productos debe ser controlado por un profesional, ante cualquier duda, siempre consulte a su médico.

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